The Invitation (2) – Why Some Reject the Gospel
See full series: concerning-first-principles
The Invitation (2) – Why Some Reject the Gospel
Sermon by Thomas Thornhill Jr
Passage: Matthew 11:28-30
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Editor’s Note: Due to a recent return from vacation, I do not have the pre-recorded messages for this lesson (video or audio). The live presentation audio is available here. Thank you for your understanding. TT
The Invitation of Jesus (2)
Rejecting His Invitation?
This morning, we examined the invitation of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 11:28-30. Basically, we broke it down to fully understand its components. 1) We talked about Jesus, the one inviting us; 2) Our need for this invitation – because we are sinners and separated from God; 3) God wants us to come to Him – descriptive of His grace; 4) It is universally available to all – God shows not partiality; 5) It is achievable – God did not give us an impossible plan (while not always easy, it is simple); 6) It is up to me to accept His invitation – God will force no one to obey Him, BUT there are consequences based upon the choice we make; 7) Finally, we addressed what accepting the invitation means – rest for your soul – a life with hope and meaning; an eternal reward in heaven, and relationship with Him and His followers.
With this as our backdrop, tonight, I want to address some reasons why some reject His invitation. You would think that knowing God and what is at stake, all – or at least the majority – would want to be part of this, but the sad reality is that faithful acceptance of His invitation has ALWAYS been in the minority. In Acts 2:41 we read that on the day of Pentecost, about 3000 obeyed the gospel. That sounds impressive, but when you understand that Pentecost was a major Jewish feast and a massive multitude would have been present, then number who obeyed the gospel on that day was likely a fraction of those present. Many had been with Jesus and seen His works and still rejected Him. In fact it was the rejection of the very powerful works He did that led to His crucifixion.
Today is no different, as anyone who has tried to share the good news with others knows that the majority will reject the invitation. Others, who might at first obey the gospel, but leave in short order afterward. So, let’s talk about this rejection. Why does it occur and what will be the result?
- Why some reject the gospel invitation, even today.
- An unwillingness to give up worldly pursuits.
- 1 John 2:15-17 – issues a warning to not love the world or the things that in the world.
- There are many who will not obey the gospel because it means they would have to give up a lifestyle that is meaningful to them.
- Think of the rich, young ruler – Matthew 19:22-24 – he went away sorrowful.
- Worldly pursuits come in many forms – money, relationships, activities, power, various lusts, entertainment, addictions, etc.
- Luke 9:57-62 records several excuses made before following Jesus.
- Whatever stands in my way of putting God first – Gal. 2:20, etc.
- An unwillingness to take up his cross –
- Another reason many will not follow is because of what is expected of them. Being a disciple of Jesus comes with a cost.
- Salvation is wonderful because it is freely offered – Romans 6:23, 3:23-24.
- BUT, on the other hand it will cost you everything – Luke 9:23-26, 14:26ff. The life of a disciple of Jesus is about making Him lord over your life. Galatians 2:20, Romans 12:1-2, etc.
- Many do understand what is expected and are unwilling to pay the price. John 6:66 records after some hard sayings of Jesus (and noting that the only reason some followed Him was for the food – 6:26), many walked with Him no more. It was more than what they wanted.
- Or they put it off expecting to return later. Felix trembled – Acts 24:25 – Paul was reasoning with him about righteousness, self-control and judgment to come. Sadly there is no indicator he ever responded,
- Because of what they see in professed Christians –
- Sadly, many see hypocrisy, half-hearted worship, lack of compassion, division, false gospels, corrupt immoral behavior – especially leaders.
- Politics – by its very demonstration divides (when we make the gospel political, we are alienating the other half, etc.) Biblically, the church is NOT a political organization. Jesus did not engage in political reform – e.g., Matthew 22:15-22 – render to Caesar. We need to let Christ be first and that needs to be reflected in our lives. We need to care about others.
- I wonder how Jews were turned off by the hypocrisy of many of their leaders.
- Why did the message of Jesus appeal to the poor and needy? Mark 12:37 says, “… And the common people heard Him gladly.” This is after He deals with some of the political leader’s questions.
- Luke 15:1 says, “Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.” This is followed by the accusation that Jesus received sinners which prompted the “lost” parables (sheep, coin & prodigal son).
- 1 Samuel 2:17 records the corrupt behavior of the sons of Samuel (priests) and how men abhorred the offering of the Lord.
- This is why it is important that we be godly examples. People are watching us and we do not want to be the avoidable reason someone rejects the gospel – Matthew 5:16, cf. 1 Corinthians 9:22.
- Because they do not know about Him
- How can someone respond to the invitation if they do not know there is an invitation? Most know of the name of Jesus, but few more much more than that. Many have heard conflicting reports about Him, but few have investigated Him in the Bible. The Christian faith has been villainized on virtually every front and all many have heard is sound bites.
- When must remind ourselves that God wants us to take the gospel to others – Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Peter 3:15, etc.
- People need to see Christ living in us – Galatians 2:20.
- IF we have opportunity, are we willing to share the gospel message with them? Or, lead them to someone who can help?
- Understand, that many will not accept the invitation no matter what you do. Jesus dealt with that in the Parable of the Sower – Luke 8:4-15. But we must keep trying and look for that ONE who is searching or can be influenced by us. They are out there!
- A litany of excuses/reasons
- Everyone is different. There are many who have heard the invitation but they tell themselves for one reason or another, they dismiss it. Some examples include:
- I am too sinful
- I am good enough and don’t need the gospel
- I cannot live the life expected of me
- I am too old/young
- Family ties – I am satisfied with the religion of my parents, etc.
- I don’t know enough
- Not right now
- Each of these has an answer. But, they are excuses, and depending on the heart, when the answer is given, their true heart will be revealed. Romans 10:9-10 – it is with the heart that one believes unto righteousness and confesses the Lord.
- Luke 14:15-24, Jesus gave a parable about a man who gave a great supper and invited many. Some of those invited began making excuses and dismissed the invitation. As a result they were rejected and it was declared that they would not taste of His supper. Jesus was speaking about the kingdom.
- Everyone is different. There are many who have heard the invitation but they tell themselves for one reason or another, they dismiss it. Some examples include:
- Some walk away later
- There are some who will initially accept the invitation, but in time they reject it again. They fall away from the truth.
- In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus described these as the rocky and thorny soils – Luke 8:6-7, 13-14. They hear and receive, but there is no depth or divided interests. When difficulties arise, they give up and quit – either totally OR faithfully (i.e., they continue with a superficial religion, but not a real commitment).
- We have noted numerous warning that we CAN fall away – 2 Peter 2:20-22, Galatians 5:4, Hebrews 2:1-3, 4:11, 10:38, etc.
- An unwillingness to give up worldly pursuits.
- WHEN the gospel invitation is rejected.
- He forfeits the rest Jesus offered
- Rest is (to me) one of the most appealing aspects of our eternal reward. Revelation 14:13, Hebrews 4:9-10.
- But much of what Jesus offered also included rest from the burdens of sin, especially its guilt. Truly, God’s grace is greater than our sins (Romans 5:20-21). And He will forgive ANY sin, if we will repent and turn to Him.
- Philippians 4:6-7 – when we can put our trust in Him, we have a peace that passes understanding.
- The godless do not have this peaceful rest. Their burdens have no real relief outside of this life. So often the Bible speaks of man’s life without God in terms of a burden – Ephesians 2:12 speaks of “having no hope and being without God in the world”, 4:17-18 speaks of those who without God are walking “in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart;”
- He forfeits the rest Jesus offered
- He forfeits eternal life
- Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. The one who rejects the invitation has chosen eternal separation from God.
- Again, Hebrews 4:9 – there remains a rest for the people of God. This is a reference to heaven. Eternal life is offered to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality – Romans 2:7.
- Matthew 25:46 speaks of the ungodly going into everlasting destruction. 2 Thessalonians 1:9 speaks of this everlasting destruction being from the presence of the Lord.
- He may be walking away from a spiritual support system
- Jesus said, “I will give you rest” – Jesus promises to be with us.
- There are many blessings found in Christ Jesus – Ephesians 1:3ff.
- The one who rejects Jesus as Lord does not have access to these.
- He alienates himself from God’s people.
- I believe this is a part of “the rest” Jesus is offering and how our burdens can be lightened and the yoke be made easier (compared to the yoke of sin in this world).
- ONE of the great spiritual blessings IN THIS LIFE is the church. God designed the church as a people that can be with us and for us in our walk with Him. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 describes us as a functioning body – the body of Christ. We are His support system on this earth. When functioning properly we will be growing (Ephesians 4:16), being there for each other (Romans 10:10-13), bearing one another’s heavy loads (Galatians 6:2), and upholding each other (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Much more could be added to this list.
- When one rejects the invitation, he does not have access to that spiritual family to support him.
- When one walks away, he no longer has access to that spiritual family. In fact, we are called upon to sever ties with him so that he will repent and return. The purpose is to keep the body pure.
In considering reasons why one is unwilling to accept the invitation one source quoted Matthew 16:24, Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. It was observed that there are four primary reasons men reject the invitation: 1) There is no desire; 2) An unwillingness to sacrifice self; 3) An unwillingness to take up his cross – a willingness to suffer; and 4) An unwillingness to make Jesus Lord. We have addressed some of these in this lesson.
What about you? The invitation has been available to all. Will you accept it? Think about it!