Dealing with Satan
See full series: closer-to-god-2022
Dealing with Satan
Sermon by Thomas Thornhill Jr
Audio | Video | Powerpoint | Outline/Text |
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NOTE: Due to technical computing issues, I am unable at this time to provide a pdf of the below outline. If I am able to resolve the issues, I will post the outline. Thank you. TT
NOTE 2: Next week (10/17), there will be no prerecorded lessons or outlines, as my family will be out of town. We anticipate returning 10/24. Thank you and have a happy holiday season. TT
As we begin to bring our theme study to its conclusion, we have noted some challenges to drawing closer to God – worldliness, materialism, busyness, discouragement & doubts (as well as last week’s lesson which included some other “stones” we need to remove if they hinder us). We conclude this section by addressing in some detail the source of our problems.
We have noted throughout our studies that Satan is behind these challenges and many more. So let us discuss some of what the Bible says about Satan.
When I was in the military, even in basic training, one of the points that was drilled into us was the need to know our enemies. We needed to understand their tactics and the equipment they use as they engage in warfare. Knowledge in such circumstances can save your life and possibly the life of others. The same is true as we engage in our spiritual warfare. 2 Corinthians 2:11 reminds us “we are not ignorant of His devices”.
- Understanding Satan
- One of the observations we have made throughout this study is how Satan is the one responsible for our failures and miseries. We must never forget that.
- He was behind the first sins with Adam & Eve.
- He was the one who accused and brought misery into the life of Job.
- He caused Peter to deny the Lord and Judas to betray Him.
- He was the tempter who tried to Get Jesus to sin.
- He was responsible for Jesus being nailed to a cross (both the need for it AND the actions that led to His crucifixion). He was behind the lies of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:3). We could go on with many examples.
- What we know about Satan, the devil
- He is described as:
- A liar and a murderer (John 8:44)
- A thief – John 10:10
- A deceiver – Revelation 12:9
- An enemy (1 Peter 5:8 – your adversary; Matthew 13:39 – parable of wheat & tares – the enemy)
- The tempter – Matthew 4:3 – this is HOW he does his works.
- He is powerful – John 12:31 – Jesus describes him as the ruler of this world.
- 1 John 5:19 notes that the world lies under his sway.
- 2 Corinthians 4:4 – he is the god of this age.
- It is foolishness to underestimate his power. He is seeking to devour you – 1 Peter 5:8-9.
- He knows you – he knew what Eve’s weakness was. He knew Job was faithful and blessed. He knew Peter was impetuous. He knew Judas Iscariot was greedy.
- BUT he is NOT omnipotent (all powerful) or all-knowing. Only God possesses that ability.
- But he is very observant and has learned what makes you weak. Much in the same way a spy will learn one’s weaknesses, so Satan watches and learns. Sadly, he doesn’t miss much!
- He is shrewd – 2 Corinthians 11:3 – notes that he is crafty. 1 Peter 5:8 – he walks about as a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
- He will rule your life if you let him – cf. Genesis 4:7. When we love the world – we are letting him rule our lives (its his dominion); When we choose to disobey God – we are letting him rule us. When we let down our spiritual guard (our shield of faith – Eph. 6:16 – which is designed to quench his fiery darts) we are letting him rule and wound us spiritually.
- He is described as:
- One of the observations we have made throughout this study is how Satan is the one responsible for our failures and miseries. We must never forget that.
- Dealing with Satan
- Realize that God is greater than Satan in all points.
- With God’s power Satan is limited.
- 1 John 3:8 – Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil; Colossians 2:15 – He has disarmed principalities and powers…; Mark 3:27 – He came to bind Satan and He did.
- With God’s help, we can overcome him. 1 John 4:4 – Jesus is greater. Matthew 6:13 – in our prayers, we ask God to “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”
- You do NOT have to let him rule you!
- 2 Corinthians 2:11 – we are not ignorant of his devices. Romans 6:6-7, 14 – in Christ, we ought to live so that “sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.”
- We CAN resist him – 1 Peter 5:9. It needs to be a firm resolve. Satan can only take as much as you give him – resist him and he will flee – James 4:7. 1 Corinthians 10:13 in its proper context!
- Every sin we commit is a choice.
- We have to become indignant about what is going on.
- The word indignant means, to become angry because of that which is unjust, mean or unworthy. The sad reality of our times is how far too many have just accepted the brokenness in this world as “the way it is.” And while there is some truth that we likely cannot change much of the world’s wicked ways (at least overnight), we don’t have to let ungodliness govern the way we live.
- We need to get indignant about what Satan has done in our lives! Maybe its not us sinning per se (though likely we do sin from time to time – 1 John 1:8-10). But we need to think about what Satan has done that affects us.
- Why do we struggle with worldliness? Because of Satan!
- Why do we find ourselves weak when it comes to confronting sin around us? Why do give into temptations? It’s Satan!
- Why is it when we strive to change and begin doing what is right, obstacles start appearing? It is because of Satan.
- Why do we see so much suffering in the world? Especially suffering inflicted by wicked decisions? SATAN!
- When the church has to withdraw from someone, it’s because of the devil.
- When churches die and close their doors, it’s the impact of Satan!
- When we see society hating God and you because you stand with His standards; When the world wants to “cancel” you because you refuse to conform to their mold of tolerance, its because of Satan.
- IF you are not the Christian you ought to be, its because of Satan!
- As we can see, we need to get indignant about what is going on around us!
- Declare war on him –
- BUT, being indignant is not enough. We need to become so indignant that we determine we are going to declare war on the devil!
- War, by definition, is all inclusive and destructive. It has been said the purpose of war is to destroy. In a war, you do everything you can to defeat your enemy. We detest physical wars because of these things. BUT, if we truly want to draw closer to God, we have to declare war on Satan! If you really want to overcome, you will take whatever measures are necessary. Ephesians 6:11.
- NOTE that we ARE at war with him. Often scripture describes our spiritual struggles as a war. Ephesians 6:10-18 describes the armor of God. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 speaks of the weapons of our warfare, 1 Timothy 6:12 calls for us to fight the good fight of faith, etc. Declare war on him in your life. If we are to defeat Satan, we cannot simply take a defensive posture (which we need to do). We must also engage in battle with him. If he gets to our home, its likely too late, at much more difficult to address at least.
- Cut off whatever resources are standing in our way. While it might be painful and a change, it is necessary to give ourselves a fighting chance – 1 Corinthians 6:18 – flee sexual immorality; 2 Timothy 2:22 – flee youthful lusts, 1 Corinthians 10:14 – flee idolatry, etc.
- Plead your case before God – go to Him in prayer – Matthew 6:13.
- Go to brethren for strength – 1 Thessalonians 5:14.
- Unsheathe “the sword of the Spirit” – Ephesians 6:17. It is our only offensive weapon in our armor. God’s word serves as protection against Satan in many ways – we continue to learn so we are aware of what is right AND what is wrong (and how Satan is the originator of wrong.
- Fight believing you can win. Romans 8:31 reminds us, “If God is for us, who can be against us. Continue in the text – 8:31-39.
- Realize that God is greater than Satan in all points.
And thus, we are reminded of exactly who our enemy is. He works effectively, and he has many who are working for him. But, as we have noted, he CAN be overcome in your life. You just have to make up your mind that you are going to be striving to “seek first the kingdom of God.”
A new year is rapidly approaching – in 3 weeks. NOW is the time to examine where you are & where you need to be. If Satan is winning the battle, change it. Don’t wait until January 1st, but start now – by making preparations for what next year will bring. That way, in 21 days, you will be “off and running.” Think about it!