Is Homosexuality A Sin?

See full series: 2024-sermons

Is Homosexuality A Sin?

Sermon by  Thomas Thornhill Jr


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We are living in troubling times morally.  Over the past few decades, we have seen a decline of morality in our society.  Behaviors that were once considered sinful and now not only accepted, but proudly advocated as the way it ought to be.  Those who dare to take a moral stand against ungodly behaviors are ridiculed, shamed and in some cases bullied.  We are accused of being intolerant and out of touch with the times.

One area where this is very prevalent is the subject of homosexuality.  It has been awhile since I have addressed this, so tonight I would like to take a few moments and examine what scripture has say about this subject.

This is NOT a comfortable subject, nor am I presenting this lesson with any malice toward anyone.  But it is addressed in scripture, and we cannot ignore this or any other Biblical subject, no matter the social costs.  When people are living in sin, souls are at stake which ought to grieve us.  And if we desire to be pleasing to God, we will resolve that we are NOT going to compromise His word on any subject – doctrinal or moral.

  1. What is homosexuality?
    1. Defined – it is having sexual relations with one of the same sex. English dictionaries add to this, sexual or romantic attraction in addition to relations.
    2. A few years ago, when this subject was addressed, we primarily dealt with homosexuality exclusively. But now it involves much more – same-sex marriage as well as gender identity (transgenderism).
      1. We are also dealing in a society where the majority now view homosexuality in all its forms as not only acceptable, but also healthy.  According to, 71% of Americans believe that same-sex couples should be recognized by law.[1]
      2. More and more “churches” are becoming accepting and tolerant of these behaviors. This is DIRECT correlation to attitudes about scripture as God’s word.
      3. Furthermore, media in its various forms has increasingly promoted the homosexual lifestyle even though statistics show that less than 3% of married households are same-sex[2] and in 2022, according to Gallup, about 7.2% of US adults identify as LGBT… [3] (NOTE: This doubled from 2012).   Also, 19.7% of generation Z (born 1997-2004) identify as LGBT[4]
  2. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
    1. Under the Law of Moses, homosexuality carried the death penalty.  Leviticus 18:22-23, 20:13.
    2. Sodom and Gomorrah – we first read of Sodom as the direction that Lot pitched his tent (Genesis13). We know he dwelt in that immoral city.
      1. In Genesis 18:20-21, the LORD told Abraham He was going to destroy Sodom because of the outcry of their wickedness.
      2. Genesis 19 records the destruction of the city and its wickedness. When the 2 angels arrive in Sodom to see the city, Lot insists that they stay in his home.  While there, the men of the city, both young and old surrounded the house and demanded that Lot deliver the men so that they could assault them.  The word used in “know” them.  It is a word that referred to sexual relations at times (cf. Genesis 4:1 – Adam, 4:17 – Cain Lot pleaded with them and even offered his 2 virgin daughters in their place.  They refuse and when the angels struck the men blind, they still did not stop but became weary trying to find the door.  Following this, the LORD reigned fire and brimstone on the city and the surrounding area.
      3. Jude 7 described the destruction of the city (with a similar fate to false teachers) because they gave themselves over to fornication and “gone after strange flesh.”
        1. Fornication, by definition, is unlawful sexual relations. As you study scripture that would be ANY such relations outside of the marriage relationship.  Hebrews 13:4 notes, Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.  Homosexuality is a form of fornication.    There are several attributes of fornication that apply to homosexuality.
          1. 1 Corinthians 6:18 – it is a chosen behavior. Something we are told to flee and a sin against one’s own body (he has violated God’s intended purpose for such relations). (see vs. 13)
          2. Mark 7:21 – it is an action of the heart, meaning it defines who you are.
          3. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – we are to abstain from fornication because we are sanctified.
          4. Revelation 21:8 – it will be punished by God.
      4. 2 Peter 2:6-7, similarly describes the city’s destruction as an example to those who afterward would live godly. He described the city as “the filthy conduct of the wicked.”
    3. Romans 1:18ff shows the progression that eventually leads to sinful behaviors including fornication.
      1. Vs. 18 – God’s wrath is revealed as they suppress the truth in unrighteousness (vs. 19-20 shows that God HAS revealed Himself to us), so that they are without excuse.
      2. Vs. 21 – although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God and were not thankful.
      3. Vs. 21-22 – in their thoughts and hearts they rejected Him and darkened their hearts.
      4. Vs. 23 – they changed His glory into manmade images – what they WANTED to do and be, AND what they wanted God to be! Creating God in man’s image means that we reason that God think and acts like us so He must understand and will therefore tolerate anything that we do.  But Paul said, NO!!!!!
      5. Vs. 24-25 – therefore, God gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves and in essence to worship themselves.
      6. Vs. 26-27 – describes the homosexual behavior of both men and women engaging in: 1) Vile passions; 2) exchanging their natural use for what is against nature; 3) they burned in lust for one another (Men with men); 4) committing shameful acts; & 5) receiving in themselves the penalty of their errors (they would face the judgment of God).
      7. Vs. 28-32 describes other types of ungodly behaviors and how God feels about such. Paul is describing a depraved and morally decayed society.  He lists all sorts of ungodly behaviors, but this comes on the heels of DESCRIBING the sin of homosexuality as an act of selfish lustful behaviors that has rejected God.  Such leads to the decay of a society.
    4. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul gives a list of those who will not inherit the kingdom of God. They are described as “unrighteous”.  Included the list are fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals and sodomites.  We have already discussed fornicators to INCLUDE homosexuality.  Here Paul includes 2 specific words.  These 2 words describe both parties in a homosexual act, both the passive (homosexual is described in the KJV as “effeminate” or “a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness” (Thayer); and active (sodomite – one who lies with a male as with a female) participants respectively.   Paul is clear that such, “will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
    5. 1 Timothy 1:10 – as Paul describes laws are made to identify what is lawful and what is unlawful. He notes that laws are made for “the lawless and insubordinate”.  He then names several sins and included in the list along with murderer, fornicator, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, etc.  He further describes all such behavior as “contrary to sound doctrine.”
  3. Advocates of homosexuality who desire to believe in Jesus have made several arguments (in this lesson we do not have time to develop these. Perhaps at another time – TT).
    1. It is genetic. “I was born this way.”   Answer: I do not claim to have a full understanding of genetics, but I do believe that homosexuality is influenced MUCH more by environment that one’s tendencies or predisposition.  While it is possible that some might have greater natural tendencies, that will NOT within itself create a homosexual (or an alcoholic or an addicted gambler or someone who easily becomes angry, etc.).
      Studies have shown that genetics do NOT 100% prove that homosexuality is a predisposition.  I also appeal to our statistics at the beginning of this lesson.  Recall 19.7% of Gen-Z adults identify as LGBT…  Why so many more in that generation?  Could it be the constant bombardment and agenda of the pro-homosexual community to indoctrinate more and more?  This is something to consider!
    2. They have redefined the terms and contexts of these passages to only condemn certain types of homosexuality – namely slaves and involuntary acts.
      1. Sodom was guilty of being inhospitable and violent in their pursuits. But is not what Jude said (Jude 7 – they went after strange flesh).
      2. Romans 1 refers to those who are acting only out of lust, and not genuine committed love.
      3. 1 Corinthians 6 is addressing prostitution and slavery.
      4. Such arguments are grasping when you do intensive word studies and look at the context. It is CLEARLY a desire to put INTO scripture what they want it to say.
      5. It is stated that Jesus never condemned homosexuality or same-sex marriage. BUT, He did define what an acceptable marriage to God is – Matthew 19:4-6.  Silence is NOT consent!
      6. ALL of these arguments are unfounded, agenda driven and a gross misapplication of the texts.
  4. How should we treat homosexuals?
    1. Understand, homophobia (hatred of homosexuals) is sinful! NOTE: Just because we are called homophobic does NOT mean we are!
    2. As we would any other sinner. We should NOT treat them as worse than anyone else.   We are to love them because they an eternal soul.  We hate the sin, but NOT the sinner!  This is important.  Ephesians 4:15 calls for us to speak the truth in love.     Proverbs 15:1, A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.   2 Timothy 2:24, A servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all
    3. We should approach them with the gospel and show them what they need to do.
    4. Let them know that they CAN repent and change if they choose to do so. 1 Corinthians 6:11, “And such were some of you…”
    5. IF they want to change, help them! There are things we can do for them and they can do for themselves.  And the plan for them is no different than anyone else.
    6. Finally, we have to be patient and compassionate! We need to understand that changing one’s lifestyle is not an easy thing to do.  It might involve deep seated beliefs, past traumas and other circumstances that have to be overcome.  Galatians 6:1-2.

This is a brief address of the subject of homosexuality.  Much more could be said, but I hope we see in this lesson that it is a sinful behavior that must be repented because eternity is at stake.  Let us resolve that we will try to help anyone who comes to us searching for the uncompromising truth of the gospel.  Think about it!

[1] U.S.: support legalization of same-sex marriages 2023 | Statista,6/13/2023.

[2] What is the state of gay marriage in the US? ( , Updated 10/5/2023.

[3] What Percentage of Americans Are LGBT? (, 3/3/2022.

[4] Homosexuality in the United States – Statistics & Facts | Statista, 12/18/2023.