What’s Keeping You?

See full series: 2019-sermons
See full series: concerning-first-principles

What’s Keeping You?

Sermon by  Thomas Thornhill Jr

Passage: Acts 22:16



In Acts 22:16, Saul was asked by Ananias, Why are you waiting?   That is a good question that we need to ask ourselves when we find ourselves faced with an important decision, especially if it will be difficult. While true in life, and we need to answer that question from time to time, it is equally true with our spiritual life.   So today, I want to devote a few minutes to answering the question, What’s keeping you from…?   In this lesson, we will notice some things people hesitate to do.

Why do people hesitate to take important steps?   There are many reasons, but typically it is associated with the fear of the unknown, questions about whether or not you can do it, or perhaps there is some obstacle you don’t want to face, etc.   Whatever the reason, usually failing to respond doesn’t make the decision go away, and delay can mean eternal consequences. So let’s consider the question, What’s keeping you from…?

Obeying the gospel?

  1. We are called to obey the gospel. As Saul was told by Ananias in Acts 22:16.
    Jesus Himself taught it – Mark 16:16.   It was emphasized on the day of Pentecost – Acts 2:38-41.
    of course, we have heard how baptism is the final step in God’s that puts us into His kingdom.
    We also need to hear (Romans 10:17), Believe (John 3:16, Romans 10:10), Repent (Acts 2:38, 3:19, 17:30-31 – after all, the basis of salvation is a changed life), and even confessing Him as Lord (Romans 10:9-10).   We then take that final step that puts us into Christ.
  2. We are warned of the consequences of failing to obey the gospel – 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 2:9-12 – people will believe the lie and not receive the truth and be condemned and perish.
    Mark 16:16 – he who does not believe shall be condemned.
    Romans 2:7-8 – eternal life awaits those who seek immortality (through obedience), but those who do not obey the truth are awaiting indignation and wrath…
  3. Reasons people put off obeying the gospel
    1. A realization of the seriousness of the commitment – I will be the first to tell you it is a serious commitment.   Far too many enter into this relationship flippantly.   BUT, that doesn’t change the fact that the commitment MUST be made. Life is filled with serious decisions.
    2. Doubts about whether they can do it – if you are waiting for the perfect time, it will never come. If you are waiting until you know a little more (beyond the understanding that you need to be saved, how and why), you will never know enough.
    3. Not ready to give up the ways of the world – like the rich, young ruler who went away sorrowful (Matthew 19:22), you have to give it up to be prepared.     And the longer one waits the MORE of the world they have to give up. Consider again the warning of Jesus – Matthew 16:24-26
  4. BUT each of these reasons will not excuse you when you stand before God in judgment. Romans 14:12

Growing spiritually

  1. Most of us know we need to be growing spiritually. It is mentioned often in scripture.
    2 Peter 3:18 – But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    1 Peter 2:2 we ought to desire the sincere milk of the word that we may grow thereby.
    We are called upon to seek first the kingdom of heaven – Matthew 6:33.
  2. Failure to grow will result in mediocrity at best and could have eternal consequences – Hebrews 5:12-14 finds a familiar rebuke and consequence of the failure to grow as we ought to.
  3. Reasons people put off growing
    1. Too busy – we get so caught up in the cares of this life that the word is chocked out – Matthew 13:22
    2. Too worldly – 1 John 2:15-17, we are called upon not to love the world…
    3. Too indifferent – Matthew 24:12, Jesus warned that because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
      Revelation 2:4-5 – Ephesus and Revelation 3:15-16 – Lukewarm Laodicea both demonstrated the danger of indifference
    4. Too lazy – spiritual growth takes great effort and dedication.   Many are unwilling to put forth the effort – Hebrews 6:11-12 – we should not become sluggish
  4. There may be many reasons that stand in the way of our spiritual growth – none of them good, and it is very likely when you stand before God that He will not accept your excuses. So, what’s keeping you from proper spiritual growth?

III.                 Repenting?

  1. Repentance is something the Christian need to be fully aware of.
    It is a part of obeying the gospel – Acts 2:38, and a part of forgiveness as Christians – Acts 8:22
    True repentance is described in 2 Corinthians 7:11 and in numerous psalms in the OT. God has always demanded repentance.
    True repentance is more than just saying or being sorry.   It is a response to wrong behavior that leads to real change. The actual act of repentance is an act of the mind.
  2. Many carry their guilt and sinfulness with them because they will not repent.   This is not just guilt with God, but also emotional guilt, consequences of continuing in sinful behaviors and attitudes, broken relationships and many other things.
  3. The consequences of failing to repent – you will all likewise perish – Luke 13:3 & 5
  4. Reasons people put off repenting
    1. They don’t think they need to repent (ignorance) –
    2. They think they have plenty of time –
    3. It is too hard to do what is needed –
    4. They don’t want to change –
  5. IF we would learn to repent when we sin, we would be better.   Again, this is not easy, but it is simple.   So what is keeping you from repenting?

Becoming part of the church?

  1. By this, I mean a local congregation. When one obeys the gospel, he is added to the church (universal – the body of the saved – Acts 2:47 – NKJV, Colossians 1:13).     But we also find in the Bible examples and many reasons to be part of a local congregation.
  2. In recent studies we have shown the importance of the local church.   Never forget that the church is a part of God’s plan (Ephesians 3:10-11, 1:22-23, Matthew 16:18, etc.)   This includes the pattern for local congregations, of which much of the New Testament is written to.
    Where would our society be without local congregations?   Yet it is deemphasized and treated as something of secondary importance far too often today.   Because of this there is a crisis – churches are dying and/or compromising God’s standards – in matters of morality, discipline, commitment, and even doctrinal purity. Will the Lord really find faith when He returns?   Luke 18:8.
    I am fully convinced God wants us to be part of a local congregation.   While there are circumstances where the faithful are not, Biblical examples are always temporary.
  3. Furthermore, genuine growth and impact within a society comes when her members are vibrant and faithful – Ephesians 4:16, Colossians 2:19, etc.
  4. Reasons people put off becoming part of the church
    1. They are seeking to find a congregation they can work with – a temporary solution
    2. They don’t want to commit to the work involved. This shows a realization of its importance and that it involves great effort and sacrifice to do your part.
    3. They don’t want to put themselves under the authority of elders or be accountable to their brethren
  5. If you are genuinely interesting in growing spiritually, what is keeping you from becoming and WORKING WITH a body of the Lord’s people that will help you and keep you accountable?

Going to heaven

  1. Many other subjects could be added to this heading.   I present these just to get us thinking about where we are right now. Here’s one final question:   What is keep you from going to heaven?
  2. Isn’t our hope of heaven the reason we are here? Colossians 1:5 speaks of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven.   Hebrews 6:19 speaks of our hope being as an anchor entering in the presence of God.
  3. We must remind ourselves that one day we will answer to God.   The lost will face eternal condemnation, but the righteous will face eternal life (Matthew 25:46).   WHERE we spend eternity will depend upon what decisions we have made in this life.
  4. Reasons people will fail to go to heaven
    1. They haven’t obeyed the gospel
    2. They haven’t grown as they ought to and they have let the world keep them from being the Christians they ought to be
    3. They haven’t repented of sinful conduct – Luke 13:3
    4. They have failed to see the importance of the church and done their part where she is concerned.
  5. This really is the ultimate point of this lesson.   So I ask, what is keeping you out of heaven?   Be reminded of what the preacher once said, “If you miss heaven, you miss all there is!”

Acts 24:25 records that Felix was afraid and put off what he needed to do. We have no record of Felix ever responding, It is certainly one thing to have never heard what you need to do and stand in judgment before God.   Your only hope is in His hands.   But what of the one who has heard and deliberately chooses to not take the necessary steps? Let us not forget the warning of Hebrews 10:31, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”   So, what’s keeping you?   If we can help you make your life right, let us do so right now.